My Journey with Hellenic Polytheism

Welcome! This site is where I'm going to be tracking my own notes and research on Hellenic polytheism from a reformed perspective. I will be trying to mark my sources and my personal doxa. I do follow other religions (I also have DID which makes things complicated), but I do not combine Hellenic polytheism with them. You may see references to Witchcraft as I believe the gods are not against humans practicing magic. I've been a Hellenic polytheist since around age 15/16 (I'm 23 now), though I have amnesia and lost a great deal of knowledge about HelPol. This is mainly why I'm making this, as a reference for myself in the future.


I feel like it's important for me to state a few things: 1) I am not Wiccan and do not follow things like the Wiccan rede, law of threefold, triple Goddess, etc. 2) this site is explicitly LGBT+/queer friendly from an inclusionist standpoint 3) I also want this site to be friendly to people of all races, disabilites, backgrounds, etc.

If you see something I can improve on, please contact me! Especially if you have low income friendly ways of doing things, or alternative ways to approach something for certain disabilites.

You can contact me on Discord (gremlinarvinr) or through email (

Please be aware that while I will mark some pages as 18+ if they go in-depth into sexual topics, I will not be marking classical artistic nudity as 18+ or brief mentions.

Currently Planned List of Pages/Topics/Updates

In no particular order.

  • Creating prototype holidays for myself and share them here [Planned]
  • Working on my local cultus based on the general area of where I live, and writing down how I develop it [Planned]
  • Research and create pages for the following deities or heroes:
    • Apollo [WIP]
    • Dionysus [Planned]
    • Sappho [Planned]
    • Poseidon [Planned]
    • Hermes [Planned]
    • Athena [Planned]
    • Hestia [Planned]
    • Demeter [Planned]
    • Ares [Planned]
    • Hephaestus [Planned]
    • Hera [Planned]
    • Zeus [Planned]
    • And more!
  • Explanation of Artemis and Apollo and prayers to them for children, age regressors, or system littles. [Planned]